DeAgostini Service Vehicle 1:43 FULL Collection - 80 Models

1095 €
All 80 models new in blister.
All 80 models new in blister. GAZ-12B ZIM-12B Ambulance USSR #1 GAZ-21R GAI Police USSR #2 GAZ-69 PMG-20 Fire Engine USSR #3 UAZ-3909 Emergency Gas Service Russia #4 GAZ-M20 Pobeda Taxi USSR #5 Moskvich-400-420 ORUD Police USSR #6 GAZ-69 T-3 Sidewalks-Cleaning Machine USSR #7 UAZ-469 VAI Military Vehicle Inspection USSR #8 GAZ-3110 Volga Taxi Russia #9 VAZ-2112 Lada DPS Traffic Patrol Police Russia #10 GAZ-33214 Gazelle Ambulance Russia #11 RAF-22034 Fire Engine Staff USSR #12 ZIL-118KL Criminalistics Laboratory USSR #13 GAZ-3302 Ratnik Collector Car Russia #14 GAZ-24-03 Volga ASMP Ambulance USSR #15 IZH-2715 Consumer Services USSR #16 UAZ-450 Delivery Goods USSR #17 VAZ-2101 GAI Police USSR #18 GAZ-2705 Gazelle Spetcsvyaz Delivery Russia #19 GAZ-21T Volga Taxi USSR #20 GAZ-24-02 Volga Aeroflot Escort USSR #21 Moskvich-400-422 USSR Mail #22 VAZ-2121 Niva VIS-294611 Fire Engine Russia #23 GAZ-55 Military Sanitary Service USSR #24 RAF-22033 Police Station USSR #25 GAZ-322121 Gazelle School Bus Russia #26 UAZ-450A Military Ambulance USSR #27 RAF-977DM Taxi Route Minibus USSR #28 GAZ-233036 Tiger OMON MVD MIA Russia #29 GAZ-24-01 Volga Taxi USSR #30 UAZ-3741 Post of Russia #31 AMO-F-15 Ambulance USSR #32 RAF-2203 Support Olympic Flame USSR #33 GAZ-AA Van Delivery Bread USSR #34 GAZ-24 Volga Military Commandant USSR #35 GAZ-69 Veterinary Assistance USSR #36 GAZ-2705 Gazelle AFM Emergency #37 UAZ-452D Ayokki Television USSR #38 ZIL-41044 Parade Phaeton USSR #39 GAZ-3302 Gazelle Semar-3234 Reanimation Russia #40 GAZ-2705 Gazelle FSIN Federal Penitentiary Russia #41 GAZ-3302 Gazelle Road Service Russia #42 RAF-Labbe Collector Car USSR #43 AVIA-21F School lunch USSR #44 Ford Transit Investigative Committee Russia #45 GAZ-3302 Gazelle Milk Delivery Russia #46 LUAZ-2403 Aeroflot Tractor Luggage USSR #47 UAZ-469 PPS Patrol Police USSR #48 ZIL-118A Ambulance USSR #49 UAZ-451D Furniture Delivery USSR #50 GAZ-322133 Gazelle Route Taxi Russia #51 GAZ-AA PMG-1 Fire Engine USSR #52 RAF-TAMRO Reanimation Ambulance USSR #53 GAZ-51A 93M Garbage Disposal USSR #54 UAZ-3303 Auto Cinema Club USSR #55 GAZ-3302 Gazelle Car Towing Russia #56 UAZ-469 Military Commandant USSR #57 Ford Crown Victoria DPS GAI Police Moscow #58 GAZ-27527 Sobol Technical Assistance Russia #59 UAZ-3163 Patriot Forest Protection Russia #60 RAF-22031 Ambulance USSR #61 GAZ-51 1ACH Refrigerator USSR #62 MultiKar-25 Technical Service USSR #63 Moskvich-400 APA-7 Airfield Launcher USSR #64 GAZ-22D Volga Ambulance USSR #65 ZAZ-110550 Tavria Coffee Car #66 GAZ-AAA BA-6 Military Armored Car USSR #67 PAZ-672 TSARM Resort Bus USSR #68 KAMAZ-53215 Petroleum Tanker Russia #69 KAMAZ-5511 Dump Truck USSR DeAgostini Service Vehicle #70 MAZ-5334 TZA-7,5-5334 Tanker Refueller #71 Robur LD3000 Goods Van USSR #72 KAZ-601 Cement Carrier USSR #73 ZIS-151 VAREM Military Maintenance USSR #74 GAZ-93B Agricultural Dumper USSR #75 RAF-977IM Ambulance USSR #76 GAZ-53 Tanker Delivery Live Fish USSR #77 ZIL-133G1 Carriage Horses USSR #78 GAZ-66 Mine Rescue Russia #79 ZIL-130 Watering Machine USSR #80 Russian partworks about cars of the Soviet USSR and Socialist Eastern countries. The similar collection series in world could be published in different magazines: Altaya, Ge Fabbri, Hachette and Eaglemoss.
Vehicle Type Car, Truck/Lorry, Ambulance, Military, Service Vehicle
Brand DeAgostini Service Vehicle
Scale 1:43
Vehicle Make AMO, GAZ, IZH, Lada, Moskvich, Niva, RAF, VAZ, Volga, ZAZ
Condition New